-A taste of France in the Rogue valley-

Artisan bread baker

Philippe’s Bread

Pickup your freshly baked loaf every weekend!

A curbside pick up is available for you to pick up your bread order every Sunday morning at my local bakery located at

572 Clover Lane, Ashland, 97520 Oregon

(part of the Ashland Masonic Lodge center)

Parking is available next to the bakery

Bread orders are also available for you to pick up every Sunday morning at the Oregon Cheese Cave In Phoenix.  

Find my bread at our local stores

Shop n’ Kart - Ashland

The Oregon Cheese Cave - Phoenix

Medford Food Coop & Market of Choice


Deliveries every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday afternoon.

-Straight out of my baking oven to you-

Enjoy a fresh baguette, brioche, sourdough boule and more from your local baker!

-Subscribe to my curbside pick up newsletter-

Contact me by email at philippesbread@gmail.com

Follow me on Facebook at Philippe the Baker

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© 2021 Philippe the Baker